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Photos from November 6 & 7: WCC GA

Here are a series of photographs. Most I took yesterday (the 6th) while wandering about the Madang space - the exhibits were fantastic. A lot of art, gathering spaces, even a children's space. I didn't take a photo because there were people sleeping on the kids' foam squares. The grown-ups need naps more than the kids these days.

My seminary classmate the Rev. Prof. Lee EunJoo! She is so awesome. She iss teaching in the Korean Ecumenical Theological Institute during the assembly.

About water.

The women's space.

A lot of conversation about nuclear energy, nuclear power, and nuclear weapons at this assembly.

A photo art exhibit.

Art on the assembly's theme: God of Life, Lead Us to Justice & Peace.

The space for the ACT Alliance.

The youth space was so cool-looking, but at 35 with a mortgage and salt/pepper hair, I figured I shouldn't invade the space.

A powerful photo exhibit focusing on stateless peoples in Asia.

Again, lots of conversation about nuclear energy.

I'm grateful to the WCC for teaching me about the caste system and its impact on people way back in 1999. A very active constituency is here.

An important exhibit on arms trafficking in and throw Mexico. Most guns in Mexico come from the U.S.
Yeah, think about it...

A labyrinth. It didn't seem prayerfully placed at first, in the middle of the madang, but it does make sense to pray in and through and around the hustle and bustle.

Yes, that's Dr. Mercy Amba Oduyoye in the women's area.

A conversation of Very Important Women about women's ordination and leadership. A Methodist bishop, an outgoing president of the WCC, and PCK professor and pastor the Rev. Prof. Bae HyunJu, who is just amazing.

My friend-for-life, Adele Halliday, on staff with the United Church of Canada.

Really cool exhibit for book nerds.

A cultural presentation. These were almost non-stop during the assembly, so those of us serving as delegates on committees missed most of them.

A great program. So happy they had a whole area to raise awareness.

Rev. Chun Min-Heui, the ecumenical officer of the PROK. She helped host me when I was
visiting Korea with friends in 2005.

Gradye found this americano in a can, with fantastic illustrations.

I got this gum because I thought it was spearmint. Nope, apple. I need to learn Korean.


Evie's dinner.

From the peace plenary on the 7th. We heard from Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Leymah Gbowee!

Not sure what we're supposed to do with these cool ribbons distributed during the peace plenary.

Had second lunch with Meredith! We had bingsoo. Yum.

Maybe 80% of the speakers on the floor of the assembly during business sessions are men.
And after awhile, it wears on me. This was my feeling I shared with my delegation.

The PC(USA) delegation!


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